If you were to ask any woman what the most important part of the wedding is, she would likely say the wedding dress. It is something that we may have thought for years about and as the wedding day approaches, most brides will stress over the dress to a large extent. They may even try to drop a few pounds, just so they look a little better when they wear it.
The vicar has also been planning her wedding dress for many years but it seems as if she is not going to have the opportunity to have the final say. That is because Alice has taken over the task of coming up with the wedding dress, and some of suggestions she has are absolutely ludicrous.
You could have guessed that Alice would come up with something off-the-wall, but when her first suggestion was to use pine to make the dress, you know that it is not going in the right direction. Unfortunately, many of the suggestions were from her mother, and her mother is just as loony as Alice.